Student Handbook

3. Administrative Policies and Procedures

3.11. Course Challenge Policy (CMPP Only)

Students who are completing a certificate within the Career Management Professional Program (CMPP), may challenge up to two courses. Students choose t to challenge a course for a variety of reasons – they may have:

  • Taken a similar course through another training provider, college, or university
  • Completed equivalent on-the-job training
  • Attended multiple workshops, seminars, or webinars
  • Amassed relevant experience through previously employment
  • Met learning objectives through any other means

Each challenge has several phases:

  • Remit the $100 (plus tax) fee per challenge
    • Note: Fees must be received prior to any challenge being approved
  • Provide a brief summary of how they have already achieved the course learning objectives (see course outlines)
    • Note: This can be accomplished through an email in either a few paragraphs or bullet points addressing each of the learning objectives; we will not require formal documentation of previous coursework and/or employment experience.
  • Complete a dedicated assignment, as outlined by our time, which demonstrates their knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the course topics (e.g., a tip sheet, case analysis,  or some other resource that can be shared on the course site)

A student can challenge any course to receive full course credit. Note: The transcript will state “successfully challenged.” 

Upon purchase of each course challenge, the student has 30 days to submit an outline as to how they  have met the learning objectives, plus 1 week to complete and submit a tip sheet or similar assignment as stipulated by Life Strategies.