Technical Tips & Tricks

1. Computer Requirements

1.1. Hardware & Software Needed

We recommend that students have a relatively new computer, either PC or MAC, and run system updates regularly. The e-learning platform does not require downloading any local software onto your computer. You can access the system from any web browser using your secure username and password combination. As such, reliable high-speed Internet access is also essential. While slower computers and/or dial-up Internet will work, students may find the slow response times (e.g., loading course discussions or resources) frustrating and find they spend more time on coursework than they’d anticipated.

For security purposes, it’s best to have a password-protected computer with at least basic anti-virus software. Although pop-up blockers are common, you may need to permit pop-ups from the LearnOnline site to ensure you can fully access content. 

Webinar attendees also need, at a minimum, a computer with speakers or reliable telephone line; note, long distance charges will apply for those calling in and are the responsibility of the individual webinar attendee. Students must submit their written assignments using products from the Microsoft Office Suite (e.g., Word) or compatible software. Please note that sharing links from Google docs or Microsoft 365 is not permitted; students must download a compatible version of the file to upload in the assignment dropbox on the course site. On the same note, PDF versions will not permit instructors an opportunity to provide detailed feedback and so consequently should be avoided. It is also expected that students have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing resources; it can be downloaded free of charge, at