Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 06:51
Site: Life Strategies LearnOnline
Cours: Life Strategies LearnOnline (Learnonline)
Glossaire: Student Testimonials

Gulnara Aituarova

I was initially reluctant to sign up for an on-line course as I prefer a face-to-face interaction in class. I was pleasantly surprised how participation in various topic-focused forums gave me a feeling of connection with other virtual classmates and that I could tap onto wisdom and knowledge of others just as if I would have done it in class. The website was very easy to navigate and all the necessary information and materials were easily accessible. The topics were related to my current job and many times after forums or assignments I was more inspired and motivated to do more and be a better Job Developer!

The Life Strategies team members were effective and provided me with feedback and information on a very timely and efficient manner.

I will definitely recommend you to other Job Developers who didn't have a chance to experience your well-designed course.

~ Gulnara Aituarova, Job Developer, ISSofBC Skills Connect Program