Career Recovery: Thriving Through Hope and Action

“I did gain clarity by just applying and pondering the theories and activities in the workshop. Made it real for me.” 

“I am a little more motivated now seeing that I am on the right track for the changes coming up in my life in the next year! After taking this course it’s more ‘clear’ to me that I’m on the right path.”


“I think I have gained much clarity going through the course, first of all, because the course goes through many different and important aspects of the process of recovering or changing the direction of one's career. It covers a lot of essential reflections and necessary self-analysis for seeing a path forward and therefore recovering one's self-confidence. From our main values as a person to our skills and the skills wanted currently from employers to the research of the real opportunities out there, according to our set of interests and talents, through very creative exercises like imagining your work or activity in another time or era, for example, that helps us to really go to the core of what moves your soul. SO, by gathering a series of useful tools and concepts for walking the process of re-orienting a career, some of which I already knew or had seen before, but also organizing them in a specific order to go through them in a more thoughtful way, was definitely really helpful for me in order to gain more clarity.”

“I think I am more hopeful. Hope for me comes and goes lately. BUt having something more graphic, specific, tangible, and organized to help me work with and go through to get somewhere more concrete, is absolutely giving me more hope. It helped me to stop seeing and feeling this whole process and goal like a fantasy, like smoke or like a very far away thing or almost a utopia.”

Katia Macias 

“Not only did the course give me hope to imagine a greater future than I ever thought possible; but it also made me not be afraid of change anymore. This is very important in a world that is constantly changing, now I embrace it and see it as an opportunity for growth.” 

“I gained a lot of clarity towards my goals and the skill to roadmap the steps I need to take from now on. It gave direction.”

Daniela Laurent

» Student Testimonials