Student Testimonials

Interested to hear what our students are saying about their experience? Browse through student testimonials here. 
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A. B.

Thank you for a great course! Looking forward to applying everything that I have learned! I wish it was a longer course? More topics maybe? I like everything that I have learned and I have been finding that it is very useful!


Herky is amazing!! I'm so grateful that I had him for 3 courses and especially for my very last Life Strategies course!!!

You can tell that Herky is seriously knowledgeable and experienced in the classes he teaches. He is also very responsive and uses lots of humour and fun!!!

Thanks guys for a great learning experience in this program. I thought I was going to hate this course, but it ended up being one of my favourites. Very, very great experience - thanks to all!


Herky is awesome. Respectful, kind, knowledgeable. Really enjoy learning from him. He's a keeper!


The content of the course can really help improve skills for experienced practitioners and for those just starting out in career counselling


Great materials, tips and most of all, awesome teacher!


Jayne was a great instructor -- I found her comments and questions to be insightful and helpful.


I was kind of thrown into case management without the training two years ago. If my peers are working the same way this is a good course for them to ground themselves into case management standards.


I liked the pace of this course [Job Developer], and some of the feedback from other students was insightful and relevant, and I came away with some good tips. I also liked most of the "tip sheets" and found some useful content. The assignments encouraged creative thinking, which made them interesting to do. I appreciated that the textbook readings were short and to the point, though for me much of the content was very general and didn't add much to my learning (I have worked in this field for a number of years - I think someone brand new to the field would have gotten more out of the course in general). The "theories" section of the course was the part that for me really stood out as needing an overhaul - there were way too many theories presented far too briefly, and so then to ask us to apply these theories seemed an exercise doomed to be superficial. I'd recommend a quality over quantity approach and pare down the list of theories to just a handful of the most significant. If I were to suggest an addition, I'd like to have seen a section on trends in resumes and cover letters, since this is a practical part of the job that I deal with everyday (far more often than some of the other topics covered).


Great course - I was able to learn a lot in a short period of time and really do feel like I gained a lot of knowledge.


Very detailed course with excellent learning material

Everything applied to the purpose of the course

Very in depth, feedback from instructor was very helpful


I found the dashboard very user friendly with Life Strategies. It was great to be able to interact with other learners as well.


This was my first online course experience. I loved it !!!! I enjoyed being able to schedule my time around completing the course requirements and being able to work from home. 

Diana has a lovely online presence and is very helpful and knowledgeable !!!!!!! 


Thanks this was my first time and when need be I would certainly take another and recommend this to others.


This course is very well designed, I enjoyed it and found that it had my interest from start to finish.


Michael was positive but really made me think!

The course surpassed my expectations.  The instructor provided positive feedback and challenged the students to think beyond the obvious.


I found the course very helpful and helped my hone my career management skills.


Super happy with the customer service from registration, to directions on how to move forward with the course work, managing the site and working through the course work. A very pleasant experience.

As a new Case Manager, the Career Development course has helped me gain the foundations


Great course, every service provider working with the public should take this training.

Jayne has taught this old gal new things that I thought I already knew.  She is a great instructor and provides excellent constructive criticisms to benefit your future.  Thanks Jayne, keep up the great work!


Kudos to you Diana, amazing instructor and facilitator. Thank you Life Strategies, it was truly a valuable experience. 

The course assignments challenged me to tap me into my inquisitive self in a good way.

Ethics for Career Practitioner has helped me gain a deeper understanding of what is ethically accepted and morally right.

My Life Strategies experience has been amazing, this is my first online course and it was well laid out and offered a lot of useful resources, articles and experiences from others.


Details of this program are necessary and valueable as a knowledge base for others in my field  


If colleagues are interested in psychometry I would suggest this course because of the course content, length, and realistic assignment work.

Enjoyed the provided readings, and the ability to conduct assessments followed by writing reports. I found this course very applicable to the real world and my future career goals.

Enjoyed the insight on Coaching Sessions


It provoked thought and deepened insight into important issues.


Anahita provided great feedback on assignments and thought provoking questions on the discussion posts


I really enjoyed the course and felt the knowledge I gained was well worth the cost involved.  I would definitely take another course from Life Strategies


This was among the more relevant and practically applicable LS courses I've taken so far. I really enjoyed it, and would recommend it to anyone in a coaching role. 

The assignments offered lots of opportunity to dig into the material more, and to obtain some practical experience in its application. I found this very beneficial.


Diana was encouraging, knowledgeable, and flexible.

I really liked the course text. I'll be bookmarking that one for sure!


Unlike many online programs I have taken or enrolled in, the website is very user friendly, instructors are supportive and reachable, always offering reflective and constructive feedback. I learned to write a lot of tip sheets in this courses.


Kristine was amazing, accommodating and understanding. She is a great asset to your team.

I learned a great deal of information. We have to take this course and I think its a great place to take it. I like that it can be done in 2 weeks via distance as we live in a remote, isolated community.


This course was well worth the time and energy required to complete. I will put more time into learning all there is to learn, which is tremendous. 

I am grateful for all I learned. Thank you!


The assignments definitely helped me put my learning into context. I appreciated having the opportunity to apply the theories and models to my own life and career path.

Kristine is an excellent instructor! Always appreciative of her feedback and her active engagement and participation within the discussion forums.

It provided an excellent background to the world of case management, and I can definitely say it helped provide context and clarity around the role of a case manager.


This course was an amazing overall experience, it supported and facilitated my learning and allowed me to learn the fundamental Career Development Foundations, Emerging Theories and Models. I was very impressed with the ease and flow of the course and would definitely recommend it to any Career Counselor seeking to broaden their knowledge.


I learned so much about the topic and the resources and instructor were both excellent.


Quick timeline to complete course. Like the online aspect.


The course is relevant and useful. I found the need assessment, program design and evaluation components the most beneficial.

I had an excellent experience and would take more online courses.


I have learned many new knowledge regarding code of ethics. It is helpful both personally and professionally.


Good material, helpful.


Throughout our so busy lives, we forget about recharging ourselves, or sometimes, our old resiliency tools become less effective, not working properly for the stage in life we are in.


really informative actually


Thank you. I enjoyed the course and found it valuable!


This was an awesome, relevant course. 


I've heard lots of positive feedback from participants about changes they've made or new ways of thinking they've adopted because of participating in the course.


Over all great experience!


Excellent course, grad level expectations, great pace, content and instruction.


It was worth it as I felt I learned a lot.


I think all the Employment Counsellors working for the same organization should all have the same training as it is so relevant to the work that we are presently doing.

It was an excellent, challenging program and I am proud I finished the program as I gained knowledge and skills that will help me with my everyday work.


It should be given to all new staff if they are working in Career and Employment.


I really enjoyed the course and found it informative.


I would recommend the course because I found the information and learning material very relevant.  I would tell a friend or colleague the course if beneficial but very demanding and time consuming.


Excellent teacher, available a great deal of the time, answered within a day. The assistant was equally helpful and available and knowledgeable. Excellent excellent course. Thank you for developing it. Most thorough and indepth online course I have taken. I appreciate being held accountable to participation, deadlines, and the need to learn and get 80% to pass. This is the first online course in which I have had those aspects, and I really appreciate it because I don't feel like I wasted my time. I feel like I grew, which is really important for me.


Very good course to help deepen understanding of statistical concepts of assessment tools.


It can be very convenient as it's online; many great resources offered; can connect with the instructor.

Discussions offered a way for me to learn more about my colleagues that I interact with because we're near by but also those further away that I've never met.


You gain so much knowledge about the field and new ways to deal with challenges.


Intense training on what is required to perform this role effectively. This course is structured very well to propagate thought toward better practices and procedures.

Audrey Arcand Employment Counsellor

You learn so much, such a valuable tool and certification.

Autumn Wood

Jayne's feedback was precisely what I needed to stay on track and re-affirmed what I already had knowledge of. Also, it built professional confidence to have gentle redirection when I wasn't quite spot on and had me open my mind to new ways of thinking.


Barb Litwin

Up until now, my case coordination was based on my own experiences and my preferred activities for a client’s job search. I favoured the assessments as I had personal experience with them and felt they were quite useful. Now I realize so many variables were never taken into account and this was not fair to the clients. I think one of the main impacts [the Theories and Ethics courses] will have on me is to move toward a much more objective approach with an improved focus on inclusivity. 

To be honest, I cannot truly find the words to define the impact this course has had on my work as a career practitioner because I am feeling so elated just knowing I have all this information and [I look forward] to continuing to learn, better understand and practice this knowledge with clients.

~ Barb Litwin, Theories and Ethics student

Beth Hurst, Employer Relations Liaison - WorkBC

Everyone needs a little back to basics sometimes.

Brenda Sutherland

Excellent material, resources, discussions and feedback. I can put all that is learned from this course into my daily practice at work.


Career Recovery: Thriving Through Hope and Action

“I did gain clarity by just applying and pondering the theories and activities in the workshop. Made it real for me.” 

“I am a little more motivated now seeing that I am on the right track for the changes coming up in my life in the next year! After taking this course it’s more ‘clear’ to me that I’m on the right path.”


“I think I have gained much clarity going through the course, first of all, because the course goes through many different and important aspects of the process of recovering or changing the direction of one's career. It covers a lot of essential reflections and necessary self-analysis for seeing a path forward and therefore recovering one's self-confidence. From our main values as a person to our skills and the skills wanted currently from employers to the research of the real opportunities out there, according to our set of interests and talents, through very creative exercises like imagining your work or activity in another time or era, for example, that helps us to really go to the core of what moves your soul. SO, by gathering a series of useful tools and concepts for walking the process of re-orienting a career, some of which I already knew or had seen before, but also organizing them in a specific order to go through them in a more thoughtful way, was definitely really helpful for me in order to gain more clarity.”

“I think I am more hopeful. Hope for me comes and goes lately. BUt having something more graphic, specific, tangible, and organized to help me work with and go through to get somewhere more concrete, is absolutely giving me more hope. It helped me to stop seeing and feeling this whole process and goal like a fantasy, like smoke or like a very far away thing or almost a utopia.”

Katia Macias 

“Not only did the course give me hope to imagine a greater future than I ever thought possible; but it also made me not be afraid of change anymore. This is very important in a world that is constantly changing, now I embrace it and see it as an opportunity for growth.” 

“I gained a lot of clarity towards my goals and the skill to roadmap the steps I need to take from now on. It gave direction.”

Daniela Laurent

Carla Carvalho

Dear Roberta, I am so grateful for this course! It is not just about the content, which I appreciate very much. It is also about the quality of interaction as well. I confess I was very nervous because I thought there would be a lot of details to memorize, law language, jargon, etc. – pure fantasies! Now I can say that I feel quite comfortable with our code and how it works. I think it is very important that all counsellors take this course or get an update once in a while, but this course is especially relevant to those like me, who have studied and have experience outside Canada. We start to better understand how the society and culture, and the counselling culture works here. I feel deeply grateful for your feedbacks and suggestions. Thank you!

Christine Boyd

Thank you again, Roberta, for the true pleasure of learning. You have a lovely style of teaching and facilitating. I'm grateful for this course and the opportunities to apply it while in class. Now at work I'll have some great ways to offer guidance that will increase my confidence.

~ Christine Boyd, Nelson BC, Career Management Counselor. Kootenay Career Development Society, Stress Management and Meditation Facilitator


Taking this course has definitely reinforced for me why I think that all people working as career development practitioners should take a course on ethics, especially one specific to our field. Ethical practice is fundamental to our work. I feel that my learning objectives were met fully and if I could do one thing differently it would be to have taken this course earlier.

CM - Ethics Student


Denise Ayi-Bonte

Having worked as a career facilitator for Douglas College for five years work collaboration with case managers has been a constant factor; hence my understanding of case management is of solid nature but not particularly deep. As such, I decided to take the case manager certification to enhance my understanding. I had no idea what to expect from the course and quietly questioned whether it would be worth the while or provide me with any new knowledge. Two days into the course I had my answers – yes this course exceeded my expectations and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Course outlines, Course material, Learning Objectives, as well as Feed Back from participants and instructors, were very useful and relevant. I recommend this course to anyone who values continuous learning.

~ Denise Ayi-Bonte, Case Manager Student


Ella Valdez

As always, Dr. Diana Abath is an amazing facilitator, her insights and assertions are valued and inspired me so much.

Emmanuel Shamatutu

The Case Manager course is a cutting edge, integrative, inspiring approach to Case Management . . . offering practical and motivational content to help you gain the courage to take charge of your case loads. I strongly recommend the course to anyone seeking a new approach to Case Management.

~ Emmanuel Shamatutu, CCDP, Senior Career Consultant Career Builder Plus David lam Campus

Ennie Chipembere Chikwema

It’s a real honor and privilege to be on your program, to be taught by you, to read you and to be going into partnership with you Thank you for everything you have done and are doing for the career development profession in Canada and abroad. One of them being designing a very robust and good program that is also open to international students who would otherwise not have accessed such professional development. My people and I thank you and your team

Ennie Chipembere Chikwema, Head – Programme Quality, M&E, Learning and Knowledge | Actionaid International


Gulnara Aituarova

I was initially reluctant to sign up for an on-line course as I prefer a face-to-face interaction in class. I was pleasantly surprised how participation in various topic-focused forums gave me a feeling of connection with other virtual classmates and that I could tap onto wisdom and knowledge of others just as if I would have done it in class. The website was very easy to navigate and all the necessary information and materials were easily accessible. The topics were related to my current job and many times after forums or assignments I was more inspired and motivated to do more and be a better Job Developer!

The Life Strategies team members were effective and provided me with feedback and information on a very timely and efficient manner.

I will definitely recommend you to other Job Developers who didn't have a chance to experience your well-designed course.

~ Gulnara Aituarova, Job Developer, ISSofBC Skills Connect Program


Jane Chukwujekwu, Clinical Social Worker

This is a good course for any clinician who may be interested in administering level B Psychometric tests.

A good approach to online learning.

Janice Adams

Taking courses through Life Strategies has been such an invaluable experience; the instructors are fantastic, the course content excellent and on-line learning environment allows isolated communities to keep up-to date and take courses. There are so many courses that I still want to take so I this is definitely not the end.

~ Janice Adams, CCDP, B.ED., Career Practitioner/Manager of Fort Nelson Employment Services, CMPP Student

Job Developer Nova Scotia Works

I would recommend this course because I feel your institution specializes in the employment field and therefore have a better understanding.

Very enjoyable keep up the wonderful work that you do.

Jocelyn Isnardy

I sure enjoyed participating in this Job Club Coach training program. I have learned so much new information which I am going to implement with clients that come through our doors along with sharing with my coworkers.  I have learned a lot more on how to produce marketing resumes to pass the elimination factors. I also was so glad to learn about resume “Headlines” as an awesome tool to put onto a resume… I sure enjoyed the adult facilitation component and I’m going to put some of my new knowledge into my upcoming computer training… I didn’t think there were so many steps for interviews. I am going to reread my material in leisure to sponge all the great information that was provided. 

~ Jocelyn Isnardy, Williams Lake Employment Services, Resource Centre Coordinator

Joscelyn A. Davis, President & CEO, JADE Strategies, Inc.

I'm truly looking forward to activating the knowledge I've acquired from this course. I believe I have a solid base from which to launch thanks to the excellent facilitation and flexible format I experienced in the October 2017 online cohort.

Initially, I had doubts about the effectiveness of an online course for this subject-matter. However, between Cassie's strong subject knowledge and engagement skills and Roberta Neault's additional involvement, this course turned out to be an excellent experience. I learned much from them, as well as from my colleagues in the course. As a working adult in the United States, I also appreciated the work-at-your-own-pace approach, which allowed me to be able to take the course.


Karen Cross

As I expected, this was another awesome course! I enjoyed learning about the Let’s CHAT! model and can see its application in my current and future work.

~ Karen Cross, BSW, RRP, Employment Consultant, Nanaimo, BC

Kim Schmid

The instructor really added to the forum discussions on each topic and responded on a personal basis. She added many relevant and thought-provoking statements, making the learning experience much richer. She was attentive and encouraging.

I found this course to be excellent. Informative with so much applicable information to be used immediately in your daily practice. Very thought-provoking and makes you reflect on your own and your organization's ethics and principles.


Lynn Harvey

Its a great reminder of what I’m here for and to truly set boundaries and respect for self and client.

There’s so much you can learn and take from this course and others feedback.


Maggie Rogers

Your feedback is much appreciated. A related course I recently completed didn’t provide feedback on assignments other than whether or not we had passed, so now I'm doubly aware of how great the Life Strategies courses are! 

~ Maggie Rogers, CMPP Student

Manisha Mudgil

It is not possible for a working professional to enroll for a regular course. An online course likes this gave me so much flexibility and time to learn. I learned at my own pace and had possibilities to manage other stuff. It is definitely worth learning on an online platform.    

Marion Storm

As a grandfathered Certified Career Development Professional, I found taking the program expanded my horizons and deepened my understanding while respecting and valuing my experience. I balked at having to do the project in order to get certification. However, after having completed a practical project that enhances my work, I can say it was well worth the time and energy. I fully intend on continuing taking courses as life-long learning is a part of me, and Life Strategies gives me programming that fits into my lifestyle.

~ Marion Storm, CMPP Student

Matt Baumgartner, Career Developer

I have already recommended it to my co-workers as it will help them be better coaches with our clients and to understand the process on help to move the clients forward. 

Very good course would recommend it for career coaches. Lot's of great tools to use in my tool book.

Mildred van't Padje - Case Manager/Employment Counselor

Overall, I think it has great material especially if you are new to this position or even this field.


Nancy Scammell

I very much enjoyed the course...there was much to take away for those working in business. Marking was prompt and the feedback was excellent. There are lots of take-aways in terms of handouts and the ability to reconnect or stay connected via the Life Strategies Learn Online Reconnect. Excellent resources, excellent timeframe for those working full-time and excellent tutor support. Thanks for the opportunity to learn something that I will use at work on a regular basis. I have already drafted 2 proposals…

~ Nancy Scammell, Proposal Writing / Responding to RFPs Student


Sandra Pelaez

I took up the Career Development Foundations, Emerging Theories, and Model course as part of a series of mandatory requirements. What started as part of a formality, ended up by being a very instructive and fun activity. The course was well-organised, the activities were very interesting, and the support provided by the instructor (Herky) and the student coordinator (Casie) was excellent. Great experience!  

~ Sandra Pelaez, CMPP Student 

Sergine Gauvin

I have enjoyed this course tremendously and have learned above and beyond what I thought I would learn. This course has not only upgraded my skills and given me a certification in psychometric assessments but has opened a whole new field of occupation options for me to look into. This course has met my goals and more. Thank you. 

~ Sergine Gauvin, CPE 510/521 Student


Tracy McIver

I am now in my third class at Life Strategies and although there are sometimes challenges because I am not currently a career practitioner, I see many similarities to my experiences managing people.  It is my first online class experience and I am very impressed with it.  Having been responsible for online user experience in my past, I have found the navigation very user friendly and have engaged more in it than I thought I might.  


Vanessa Cabintoy, Outreach Worker, UGM Women and Familes Centre

Very well done and helpful! Our online instructor, Roberta Neault was very engaged to the group discussion.


Wendy Lacroix

I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed my two on line courses, theories, and ethics. I deal with so much everyday, it gave me some practical information to refer to. I also enjoyed reading all the blogs from the courses, and the instructors gave helpful questions and advice

~ Wendy Lacroix, Wage Subsidy Coordinator, 

Kootenay Career Development Society - Building Futures

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